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Writer's pictureUnified Gong Fu

INCEPTION (12.03.2018)


There are several ways for inception and several types.

1. long term inception – SEEDING (Overtone window)

In this mode we would like to cause the subject of inception to adopt our idea as if it was him/her. this is causing deep changes in perception of ideas,

This is how it is done:

·        Have a conversation.

·        During this conversation we just shoot the idea to the air and leave it there.

·        Pay attention to the instinctive reaction of the inception subject to the idea (positive, negative, curiosity, etc.).

·        After a while (not too short and not too long) we should bring the idea up again. Once again, as a “by the way” item.

·        Those actions are seeding an idea to think about in the subject’s mind. The goal is that the subject will not connect the idea to us, but will feel as if it their own.

·        Next step is approaching more directly and bring up arguments pro-idea. We should not try to win an argument. Just explain it and leave it be.

·        Water the idea seed from time to time until it roots in.

2 Cognitive suggestion – medium – short term behavioral change.

In this mode we would like to cause a rapid change in behavior and approach of the subject in the nearest time. This is not about change or perception, but adopting behavior.

·        In order to apply suggestion, the subject must be in a suggestive state of mind, such as: distress, heart break, sadness, anger, confusion, cult class trust, broken spirit, or any other state that weakens the cognition.

·        It is possible to make openings and preparation for suggestion by using the subject’s driving forces, and incept the external ideas via that way.

·        It is possible to screen and confuse by using too many details.

·        Bring the subject to understanding that the required action is the best for them.

·        Strong minded and people with strong cognition are fairly immune to suggestion.  

3.Direct approach

This is the most honest way to introduce ideas. Simply have a real conversation about an idea.


4. Emotional suggestion

RIGSHI and emotional suggestion are competitive mechanisms to cognitive suggestion.

·        Not all who are immune to cognitive suggestion are immune to emotional suggestion.

·        Empathetic people will be much easier subjects to emotional suggestion.

·        People without emotional defenses will be much easier subject to emotional suggestion.

·        Many times, this type of inception is performed unintentionally and with no will to harm.

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