This book contains a lot of material that can be taken to dark directions. You should keep in mind several guiding rules, good not only for fighting, but also for life:
1. Don’t do to your enemies, what you would not like to go through yourself.
2. Don’t do to your friends, what you would not like to go through yourself.
The content of this book might give some vicious ideas. One should not be vicious if there is no need to, of course one must not be cruel. Even in a combat, if you have decided that your enemy must die, do it quick and without unnecessary abuse. Enjoying other's pain, even your enemy's, is a very dark emotion.
Despite all that is said above, fighting is still fighting, combat is still combat and war is not a picnic (that why they have different words) and it is most important to understand the toolbox that we have, be smart using it, kind and as empathetic as possible.
Remember, in order for evil to win, it is enough if the good stands still and quiet. Do not be a part of the silent majority, bring the change yourselves, even the smallest change is significant, since event a small drop in the ocean hits waves (don't you just love clichés?).