As an enthusiastic supporter of free non-conformist self-thinking, I encourage thinking, analytical thinking, unorthodox analysis and point of view about reality, process analysis and social phenomenon analysis and encourage not being a by-stander. I encourage intervention, criticizing and defiance which is of origins of searching for justice (a little pretentious, I know) and the right of every human to live his life in equality according to his conscience and life philosophy, without anyone tell him what is right or wrong, as long as there is no intention to harm any other's freedom. I am a big supporter of self-defining. I define myself, who I am and what I am.
It is important to know how to stand and by ourselves. In view of history it turns out that a people that cannot protect itself, has no right to exist and that is why it is a duty for me to know how to fight, at all aspects, national-military and personal (martial arts).
The fighting spirit and the standing spirit are one. Fighting, defiance, intervention, independence, freedom, justice, hope, security and influencing the surrounding.