Martial arts are dealing with combat and fighting, thus the military concepts and language are relevant to the world of martial arts. At this book, I try to demonstrate how military thinking is expressed in martial arts. Since I have performed my army duty at the IDF (Israel Defense Force), I use the IDF ethical code and war principles as a reference and some more military concepts that I will project upon the world of martial arts.
This book does not deal with military lore, but with projection of ideas from the military world upon the martial arts world.
In order to create a common language between the writer and the reader, the book will open with chapters regarding the art of war, continue with subject refers both art of war and martial arts, and close with chapters unique to martial arts and some philosophy.
The main target audience is martial arts students of all levels, seeking deeper combat (combat, not fighting) understanding than the one they get in the class, those who simply do not remember the material and those who are interested in military command.
This is a study textbook of principles and ways of thinking and learning, if it seems hard for reading, be patient, it is not a simple book, this is a textbook needed to be practiced and not only red.
The book was born as a consequence of will and need to combine and document many endless conversations between my Kung Fu brother, Ariel Jodorkovski and me, and from the need not to forget ideas and material. I understood that if I would not start to write thing down, I would forget many conclusions and insights. The ideas brought here are the way I see them, my point of view (hence a manifesto), some of them not even explained, but appear only as an idea that need to be thought of or just briefly remembered, however, the majority is well explained.
The ideas in the book are not written in stone, ideas are going through constant metamorphoses and this is why I have allowed myself to write down in more personal perspective, despite the above, this book contains much thinking material. Agree with me, disagree with me, argue with me and yourselves, just think about the written and revise it.
An important clarification, I am not an expert nor I presume to be one. I am a student of martial arts and especially kung-fu, since January 2003. I can teach what I know and learn and research what I do not know or not know enough. In this book, there are subject that I am in stages of studying them. The important are the principles that can be used for further understanding and researching. The discipline of martial arts is researchable and constantly changing, but the principles are the important, the understanding of the principles, research the applications and the practicing.