1.1 Mission Adherence and Aim
This principle is talking about the existence of a goal, or an aim. This goal is an essence that holds the highest priority, for example, protection of inhabitants of a certain region and allowing them continue their regular life routine. In order to achieve that goal, there is a need to make some DOINGS, these doings are MISSIONs. This principle claims that the mission needs to be executed in the light of the goal. One should understand the goal, and do his best to withstand under it even if a sacrifice is required.
An important note is that the goal is a mission of the rank above. A battalion's mission is a company's goal.
The principle in martial arts
Whenever we wish to perform an effective act, there is a need to define it, since efficiency is measured by products. This definition is the goal. One can define a goal for training, for example, working on speed, or understanding certain movement or application. One can define a goal for the class, for example, the students should learn a certain subject, etc. same is for real time engaging with enemy, one needs to define goals, such as defending somebody, making the attacker run away, killing the enemy. A competition goal can be winning by a knockout or points.
One must define a goal in order to economize his/her resources and means in correct way, those resources can be, for example, time, stamina, injuries, technical knowledge etc.
The mission can be wasting the attacker's leader, causing peg leg and immobility, teaching a certain sequence.
The mission adherence is expressed by persistence despite the fact that training is hard, despite inconvenience, in the ability to stand up and fight even if you are tired and hurt.
1.2 Initiative and Offense
Initiative, The meaning is that you have to be the initiative factor on the board, to be the ones who control the flow of the campaign, the battle, the incident. He who has the initiative, dictates where, when and how the engagement takes place, the initiative side is the one who can surprise, ambush, conduct stratagems, manipulations and has the influence upon the public opinion. When the enemy got the initiative, we tend to get into a victim status, we are the beaten, those who have to lick their wounds.
Initiative must be taken, it will never be granted and should never be granted. It is most important to prevent the other side to have it
Offense, Offense is a consequence of taking the initiative, the predatorily position, the hunter. There is a big difference between offense and attack, same as between defense and protection, these subjects are not to be discussed at this book, however briefly, defense is a status (mode), in which the initiative is in the hands of the other side, it is most unwanted situation to be at. An example for defense mode will be sitting in outposts and being afraid getting out of them, because of IEDs and possible ambushes. He who sits in defense mode, is usually, paralyzed and it is only a matter of time before he will break mentally, physically, spiritually and morally. This is the idea behind siege warfare. The classic examples for defense are turtles in their shells and hedgehogs curving into needles ball. Offensive, on the other hand, can also be expressed by sitting at outposts, but there will also be a hunting activity for hostiles, patrols, and other initiated activity.
The principle in martial arts
This principle takes place in martial arts in most literal way, one must always be the initiative factor. If one does wish to win the fight or competition, they should decide where, when and how will the contact take place. Even when you let the other side to make first contact, it should be in order to make them get into a trap, into the situation best suits you. Any manipulation takes place, should be by your design, by your initiative.
Entering into defense mode is lethal in hand to hand fighting, absorption has its limits, and this is a suicidal tactics. Whenever you find yourself in a defense mode (absorption only), you should perform any offensive move, take the initiative and get out of the unpleasant defense mode as soon as possible (ASAP).
1.3 Stratagem
Stratagem is any way to perform a manipulation over the enemy, to deceive the enemy's thinking, thus in fact the enemy will perform our plan, or will get the enemy into inferiority position. At an open and direct attack, we have a little chance of success and a high price to pay. The essence of this principle is the unseen dimension, the unknown. This principle will be discussed further at chapter such as "the void" (3.1.3).
The principle in martial arts
Stratagem, deception, hiding and surprise are existing in martial arts with every breath, no matters if it is a street fight (where everything is allowed and no rules are existing), sportive fight or training sparing. We would like to surprise the enemy, if by improvising a weapon on the street (such as throwing sand into the eyes and stones), or by hiding the opponent's field of view at the ring. The thinking process must be rapid and sharp, second's parts in order to make and perform a plan, this is why we have to train our minds for improvising and flexibility, by training sparing thinking and simulating of situations.
1.4 Concentration of Efforts
This principle has several layers, and is not as simple as it looks. One layer deals with the need to concentrate efforts for a specific mission, this is the most simple and obvious layer. The second layer is about not concentrating all the forces at one place, since it can cause all the force to be lost at once. The third layer is about not spreading the force too much, an over spread force will be grinded and too small for executing the mission, for example, it is unwise to conquer a territory with boarders that you cannot defend since they are too long. The fourth layer is about effort. The word effort means a military doing with a certain purpose, for example, fire effort – guiding artillery fire and airstrikes for specific mission or a local need. The ability to prioritize missions and define the effort that should be invested in each of them is a decisive factor, since wrong decision can cause a weak point.
The principle in martial arts
This principle can be seen in martial arts, in planning a chain of training about certain theme. In combat of any kind, sport, training, real one, concentrating of force is literally interrupted, one must make a decision and make things happen.
1.5 Security
There are two aspects of this principle. First aspect is that it is a must to secure the force (in case of raids, or attack from behind). The second aspect is that it is a must to secure transportation veins for supply, logistics, reinforcements, etc.
The principle in martial arts
In martial arts this principle expressed in that one must think of protection same time he\she attacks. If one is concentrated on attack alone he\she will probably open a weak point for the other side to hurt at.
1.6 Optimal Utilization of Forces
In medieval Japan the samurai were holding two swords, but were fighting only with the long katana. Miyamoto Musashi, one of the best swordsmen in the history of japan, wrote in his book "The Book of Five Rings", that it is wrong to die while still having an unused weapon. Musashi have developed a unique style in Japan, two swords fighting system.
Optimal utilization of forces is all about knowing and understanding one's arsenal and operating it at the right place, time and usage.
The principle in martial arts
We should know the tools in our disposal, how to use them, what are the limitations and advantages. In a real combat we must use all of our tools (tools are not only weapons, but also speed, physics, agility, technics, etc.) and to express our knowledge with the tools in order to accomplish the mission and achieve the goal.
1.7 Continuity of Action
Two aspects of continuity are being discussed about.
First aspect, Is keeping the momentum, not interrupting a continuum of success due to incapability of making a decision. It means that a continuing pressure must be forced and not letting the enemy a pause, thus not losing the advantage that was gained. In addition, this aspect is about keeping the continuum of fire, of logistics and territory.
Second aspect, Is keeping the continuity of action and mission. In case of long lasting mission, where shifts are required, it is most important to have a continuum of data, information and debriefing, for example, a scouting mission. Of course, this is relevant for any sort of military mission.
The principle in martial arts
We must not stop during fight or combat, we must continue and put down pressure upon the other side, cause them to break down and then press more, until the other side is neutralized or dead. If the enemy will have the chance to breath, to recover, to think of its moves, thus we will lose the element of surprise, the advantage and the initiative.
This principle is also expressed in movement. Whenever we stuck in our motion, force vs. force, we must override this inhibition of movement, mostly via some sort of round movement that keeps the continuum of the strike and momentum and allows continuing the attack and not retreating back and disengaging.
1.8 Depth and Reserves
Depth, This principle has two layers. The first layer is that one must not be spread in one line, any spread must be two dimensional, for example, a back outpost, or patrols that preventing commando infiltration behind the lines, a soldier going behind a squad. The depth is important in order to provide backup from behind in case that the front line is engaging in combat and\or collapses etc. the second layer of depth, is to remember that the enemy has depth to, not all of his forces are spread at one front line, and he has backup forces behind the lines to. Two good examples for misunderstanding the depth principle are the Maginot Line at France and Bar-Lev line at Sinai desert, both of these defense lines have collapsed during the WW2 and Yom Kippur War respectively.
Reserves, This means that it is unwise to put all the forces to combat at once, it is better to keep some forces as reserves, thus having forces that can perform several tasks, such as reinforcement, rescue, shift exchanges, and any other need in case of change in battle-wind direction.
The principle in martial arts
In multi-opponent battle, this principle is expressed just as in the military world.
In regular situations, this principle is expressed in stamina and power regulation, thus one can keep on fighting for longer time, keep power for escape, in keeping a hidden weapon for having an edge when it is most needed and keeping an element of surprise.
1.9 Simplicity
What is not simple simply will not be.
Complicated plans, with lot of details have the best chances for failures.
The less details they are and as simpler as thing are, it is easier to remember them, understand them and to stay close to the plan as much as possible (and improvise the closest to the plan when needed).
In a campaign there are plans, most of them are correct up until the first engagement, and then they are modified according to new status evaluations. These plans, combat technics, combat lore, drills, etc. must be simple in order to become practical and efficient, especially when the preparation times are short.
The principle in martial arts
Keep simplicity during fighting, mostly virtuosic acts are doomed to fail, complex technic will not work, this is due to the fact that the other side has brains to, and the will of not getting hurt. Complex joint locks will not success due to sweat and slippery (try using joint locks with longer leverages, such as shoulders locks. Those locks have better chances of success).
1.10 Fighting Spirit – Morale (and Warrior's Spirit)
Fighting Spirit, Morale, in military aspect, is the feeling of urgency of not letting the enemy win and victory must be achieved at all cost. This feeling is pushing us into the most hard and dangerous action, a need so strong, that get stronger whenever our and\or our loved ones survival is in greater stakes. We must always preserve our fighting spirit and our readiness to fight high, while try and après those of the enemy. It is wiser to leave the enemy a rout for escape, since if the enemy is cornered with his back to the wall he will fight relentlessly with nothing to lose, in such a case the spirit of the cornered side will be the highest.
It is important to note that fighting spirit is expressed in every aspect of life (school, work, civil or military services), it is the feeling of a job need to be done despite all difficulties.
Warrior's Spirit, (not originally found in the IDF principles of war). Warrior's spirit is the mental strength of the warrior. This strength is originated by several sources, such as the need to protect, the need to stand against a threat, the need to spite and not break in front of the enemy. This spirit is the inner power that exists in every one, this is that factor that allows to survive and to resist tortures. At next stage, this spirit becomes the pillar of fire of the fighting spirit, of the ability to persist with the way and the king's road of hope.
The principle in martial arts
Martial arts are demanding and require years of continuous study and training. Many fall on the way and only those with strong will, strong warrior's spirit can persist in spite of the difficulties, the injuries, the pain and not lose their heart by the long way. This spirit is the allowing force for a lone warrior to protect his girlfriend (without loss of generality on any other alternative family sells and without loss of generality of genders) from a group of attackers on the street.
It is the spirit of the warrior's spirit that able us to perform a sacrifice act with fully understanding the consequences. In japan this spirit was an inherent part of the Bushido (the way of the warrior), at this way, the warrior accepted his mortality, the preferred way to die was by sword, hence this spirit was used for kamikaze (divine wind) pilots –suicide pilots – during WW2 (true, examples of fanatic Japanese are not very accurate, but you have got the idea).
1.11 Supply, Logistics and Homefront
This supplement is not originally found in the IDF principles of war, however this is a very important issue, thus it is added.
Supply, This principles means that supply must be delivered to the forces at all time, ammunition, medical equipment, food, water and any other equipment need for mission accomplishment. It is better to have the logistic planed well and before action and stay close to the plan if possible. All the attempted invasions to Russia that have been occurred during history, by Napoleon, Hitler, etc. have failed due to lack of supply, due to not having a good logistics plan (and of course the Russian harsh winter have provided some "minor" help…).
Logistics, This principle is not only about the need of well-planned supply, but also about the means of transportation of that supply to the forces at the field. Planning amounts and equipment will not bring any use if they will not get at the field, thus not only the management of the supply should be planned, but also the collateral systems of ways of transportation, roads and security of the supply veins. The largest scale of that principle can be seen when entire country is conquered in order to get some natural resource, such as oil (a major factor in Japan joining WW2). Another aspect of that principle is that it is not always required to fight the enemy straight forward. It is advised to hit the enemy at his logistic array, his supply, reinforcement, forces rotation and etc. This kind of warfare will cause demoralization at the enemy's troops up to total paralysis, inability to fight and surrendering. Of course, it is required to protect our own logistics arrays (this is a major issue of the principle of security)
Home front, The home front is the infighting front. It is true that define home as a front is an oxymoron, but in situation in which the home is taking artillery fire and is used by the enemy as a "legitimate" target (home=civilian zone), it is required to manage the home during wartimes in a military way and address it with the use of the principles of war and battle management. The home front is a weak point, since it is infighting front but it is an absorbing (fire) front. The home is the very reason of existents, the families are at home, the unrecruited reserves are at home and all that the fighting warrior is fighting for is essentially the life home. All the above are the reasons why the home has a huge impact on the front that is seen as morale and fighting spirit. The public opinion at home can cause win or loss in a war, Vietnam, for example is a war in which militarily speaking, USA won, but the American public at home, could not take the casualties and caused USA to lose the war. This war is a good model for planning an impact on the public at home (the North Vietnamese planned this effect for a long time and succeeded in influencing the American public opinion).
The principle in martial arts
In the martial arts there is no real influence of supply and logistics, however the home are the people that are in need of protection (the girlfriend, the little sister, the kid that is being oppressed). Whenever we decide to take an action of fighting, we must think of the influence on the home. If we engage in combat now with the two robbers in front, the third will bypass us and attack the girlfriend, perhaps it is preferred to perform a distraction, sacrifice ourselves and let her run. Those kinds of considerations are not simple, but it is important to see the big picture and take in mind the effects of our actions upon the home, the people we want to protect.
1.12 Media, Propaganda and Psychological Warfare
This supplement is not originally found in the IDF principles of war, however this is a very important issue, thus it is added.
Media and Propaganda, The subject has gained it importance during WW2. Hitler and Gables were masters in the use of media in order to change public opinion by propaganda. It is said that history is written by the victorious, in today world, the victorious is decided by the media, the whole reality is determined by journalist's private opinions, and thus often the reality is deformed and paraphrased. A wise factor will know to harness the media to his own good and will know how to block the enemy's media manipulations. The acknowledgment that media is a war front is still young and getting more important in the age of internet and social networks. A wise use of media not only can rewrite history, but also deeply change public opinion and use as a weapon in psychological warfare.
Psychological Warfare, This is taking actions that are influencing enemy's morale and fighting spirit. Terror acts, for example, named terror acts since the main purpose of it is to cause terror within the population. A population that continue its life routine in spite of the terror acts, is in fact out-effects the psychological effects that the terrorist are like to create. Moreover, most terror acts cause a rising in the morale and fighting spirit of the victim side. Psychological warfare that is using the media as an agent for its massages, massages such as numerous casualties at combat, can cause a huge change of public opinion. Other massages that are used to be transferred via the media are massages of victimism (make one-self a victim) and poorness (the Palestinians are masters of those massages).
Another very common massage is massage of persecution, this is most expressed in tyrannical regimes with a secret police. Of course under those circumstances, if one is paranoid it does not make him\her wrong.
The principle in martial arts
In martial arts media takes little effect or none at all, however, if one is get into a street-fight, it is better to avoid recognition as much as possible (in case your state does not backup the victim and charge you because you are a martial artist).
The subject of psychological warfare is critical in martial arts. If a fight one should be and show composure, make the other side to be scared and take off. In the moment the spirit is down, so is the fighter. The idea will be discussed farther in chapter 3.